my seven year old
pondering out loud
from the back seat of our car
sitting next to his four year old brother
after swimming lessons one recent afternoon
(words to this effect)
Mama, do you realize that what I am doing right now
holding this (soda) bottle and moving my hand
and saying “whee”
cannot be repeated exactly like this
ever again
even if I come back in another
lifetime and another
to me
my young son
had seen
in his young’s mind eye
and appreciated
the unique
of each moment
how moments past
cannot be repeated
that each present time segment
is entire
in its specific way
unto itself
like a delicate snowflake of exquisite design
never to be replicated
that his soda bottle moving
across the passing view
of colours, lines, angles and curves
life’s total expression
in that instant
there and everywhere
in the configuration of planets and galaxies
and beyond
cannot happen
in that same exact manner
each moment a prismatic sphere of light
each moment composed of immense freedom…
is that not a beautiful
piece of
Annie Kiyonaga